Adverbs in use

Analyse the use of adverbs in three short extracts


Three short extracts are given, with each one using adverbs differently. Take each extract in turn and follow these steps:

  • Read the extract.
  • Identify the adverbs being used to modify verbs.
  • Rewrite the extract, using alternative ways to describe the action or scene (e.g. stronger verbs, or concrete details which create an image).
  1. Anna walked slowly through the streets, looking vacantly around her. People went past busily with their shopping bags. She kept thinking miserably about Mark’s words to her.
  2. Entering the cave cautiously, Jack saw the dragon sitting fiercely beside its treasure. Steam came loudly from its nostrils, animal bones lay thickly on the floor and the whole cave smelled strongly of scorched flesh. Jack looked at the scene fearfully.
  3. The child cried loudly, holding his teddy-bear tightly. His mother spoke to him impatiently. After a moment she took him roughly by the hand and moved him quickly towards the doorway.


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